Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Many people don't know this, but Morty was a child music star


Sarah said...

Yes, that's a true story. The girls could not keep their hands off my sequined rhinestone Talis. It all fell apart after my Bar Mitzvah when I went through an awkward phase, and the Borscht Belt fell out of favor. Sad, but I still look back fondly on that period of my life. And the mutual fund my parents bought with the money had an impressive rate of return.

Sarah said...

Yes, that's a true story. The girls could not keep their hands off my sequined rhinestone Talis. It all fell apart after my Bar Mitzvah when I went through an awkward phase, and the Borscht Belt fell out of favor. Sad, but I still look back fondly on that period of my life. And the mutual fund my parents bought with the money had an impressive rate of return.